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Being resident in Spain requires many things you need to tick off before the process is complete.

The most important thing you can do now is get your TIE card done and dusted before the 31st of December 2020.

The old green paper is perfectly acceptable, and will continue to be so during the short term. But here lies the problem. We are in the transitional year of Brexit. Deals to be done, things to be sorted out until we know exactly where we are.

But once the deals are done and the dust has settled, this card will be your ID here in Spain for everything. So why wait? Get it done now and you don't ever have to worry about a thing. The green paper will eventually become surplus to requirements. It's your access to work, studies and much more. It's more secure, more accepted and makes you feel you can use it, as any Spanish person would their own personal ID here.

From personal experience too, having the card makes it easier for you to apply, order and ask for things. Whether be from Amazon, a loan or mortgage or just about anything else you can think of. They always ask for a copy, and at times don't accept the paper. In fact they are surprised when you can't produce a copy of a card.

It will make the Brexit transition go smoothly for you, while not affecting the life you have here, as much as you would think. The biggest advantage is the card will allow you post Brexit to move from border to border working where and how you want.

So the message is clear, don't wait till it expires, get it changed now and that will be it.

Call us now at +34 966 66 23 29 or email us to info@tormonavarro.es and we’ll sort it out for you. 

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